Your industry association prioritises member training, offering masterclasses and insights tailored to the needs of auto communicators. But all work and no play would make us all dull colleagues, so networking and socialising are another member benefit.

In April MICA members supported the annual WOMAC (Women on the Move Against Cancer) fundraiser, and were invited by Bicester Heritage to its sold-out Scramble.

In the grandeur of London’s Reform Club, MICA committee reps joined 175 other automotive leaders in jointly fundraising £15,000 for WOMAC’s causes. Pictured from left are MICA’s Euan Antona, Mark Harrison, Liz Turner and Oliver Rowe.

The following weekend a dozen of us were invited to the Spring Scramble, catching up with the many PRs and media also attending. Bicester Heritage, and its future mobility arm Bicester Motion, have exciting plans for further development and site activities, which MICA looks forward to hearing more about on a mid-year business visit.

Scramblers from left: MICA’s Mark Harrison, Euan Antona, Liz Turner and Oliver Rowe caught up with PitBox91’s Thomas Carney and Jordan Harvey