MICA sends congratulations to its 2022 Young PR Professional of the Year winner Elizabeth Waddup, as well as finalists Olivia Frankel and Becca Abrahamian.

Presented at the Guild of Motoring Writers’ prestigious annual dinner, the award recognises the auto industry’s communications rising stars aged under 30.

MICA managing director Richard Gotch (pictured left with Elizabeth, HCVA’s Garry Wilson second left and GoMW’s Richard Aucock) said:  “The judges felt that Elizabeth showed an outstanding understanding of the accelerating rate of change in our industry, not just as a vehicle manufacturer but also from the dealer and customer perspectives, and were impressed by how this understanding was reflected in her work.”

Elizabeth, PR and Events Manager for Honda UK, won a package including a financial prize from award sponsor Historic & Classic Vehicles Alliance and career mentoring from a MICA member and McLaren communications vice president.

She said:  “I’m very proud to have been named the MICA Young PR Professional of the Year for 2022 and feel honoured to be amongst such notable finalists and winners in all categories.  It’s extremely motivating to be recognised by the Motor Industry Communicators Association and the Guild of Motoring Writers as I continue to build my career as a PR professional within the automotive industry.”
MICA formed two years ago to develop the professional and social interests of its international motor industry members, and to restore the training and networking momentum and opportunities lost during Covid.  This year a digital broadcast masterclass, titled ‘From TV to Tiktok’, taught attendees how to land streamed airtime for their brands.

Socially, design guru and industry expert Stephen Bayley introduced members to his latest book, ‘The Age of Combustion’, over a drinks reception hosted in St James, London, at the premises of MICA supporters Brewin Dolphin.

If you are interested in joining our 2023 activities, sign up here.